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New! Introducing the Supplier to Zero Reviewer Application

March 21, 2024

A new application is now available in the Solution Provider Platform: Supplier to Zero Reviewer.

A new application is now available in the Solution Provider Platform: Supplier to Zero Reviewer.

The ZDHC Approved Supplier to Zero Reviewer is designed to conduct comprehensive evaluations of supplier submissions to the ZDHC Supplier to Zero module, a cornerstone of the ZDHC's initiatives, that aims to ensure that suppliers adhere to stringent guidelines concerning hazardous chemical management and discharge practices.

The ZDHC Approved Supplier to Zero Reviewer will conduct reviews of submissions made by suppliers to the ZDHC Supplier to Zero module. The review will assess the completeness and sufficiency of the documentation provided by suppliers in relation to the requirements of the ZDHC Supplier to Zero module at the time of the application.

Click here to read our knowledge base and find out about the application criteria and the application procedure and fee.

Find the Supplier to Zero Reviewer Application under the Application tab in the Solution Provider Platform.